Nikon D80 + Tamron 17-50mm F2.8

Last few months, i planned to get myself a DSLR and after reading for so many reviews, went to survey the price, listen to people opinions & suggestions and tested some DSLR such as Sony Alpha 200, Nikon D40/D80/D300 and Canon 400D....

Finally i bought myself a Tamron 17-50mm F2.8 lens back in last 2 weeks, without the Nikon D80 body because everywhere also has no stock -_-"

I asked the salesman to call me when the stock arrived and i actually called to the shop almost everyday to check whether the stock is available or (i so sam gap :P)

Last few days(17th April 2008), i tried to call to the shop again to try my luck(because i waited for nearly 2 weeks already) then the staff told me that they have stock just arrived only...OMG...I was like cannot believe and i reconfirm again and again with

Then i asked them to reserve one unit for me...So i rush to the shop right after finished working to buy the "Day i also dream, night i also dream, eat also i think, toilet also i think" D80 body...Muahahhaa

This is the Tamron lens....punya box, hehe...

The lens and the hood...

I bought a 4GB Sandisk Ultra II Plus SD Card too...

The main

Open the box faster lah....Cannot wait already lah....Ahaha...

Everything in the box...

The D80 body....Made me wait for so long...

The last photo...Attached the lens to the body...Then try to shoot few photos but too lame to show...Wuahaha....

After settled everything...Almost 1am already...Manual also don't have time to read yet...Then i went to sleep first because have to work on the next morning...Sweet dream...Hehe :D


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