MIFC 2008 - Team Spain @ Putrajaya

Today, i want to stop Tioman Island's trip first and i want to post photos of MIFC 2008 first, hohoho =P

Actually i didn't miss any of this competition and Malaysia was the first team to perform but i want to show Spain's photos first...Hahaa...

Last Sunday i reached PICC at 6pm something near to 7pm to get a nice spot to shoot with WengChye, Donny, WeiChih and Johnny...And it was a rainy day but we had no choice...Camped there until 10pm but still raining lol...

Hehehe...Testing shot from PICC...

The competition started at 10pm and it was raining plus my tripod not so sturdy plus it was crowded plus so many rain drops on my camera...So it was a tough time but i managed to get some shots...Hope the pics won't hurt you guys' eyes la =P










Haha...Then once finished we ran into PICC faster because still raining...But Spain team really rox!!!Hahaa...Super nice performance and i think this is the best performance so far...

Ok Grand Finale tonight...I'll be there right after working...So anybody else going?


Anonymous said…
beautiful o~~~~~~~~~~~~
really really hope can get 1 camera..
GoDBleSz said…
(shishi)Haha,kena poison already...
Plan to get what dslr? =P
Nikon D90...
this coming September....
but dont know how much neh?

PS:planning only... =.=
GoDBleSz said…
("秋"天的"诗")Haha,nice nice D90,hehe..
ya wor i also don't know how much...

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