International Xtreme Autoshow @ Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil

I just came back from the Xtreme Autoshow which is located at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil from 26th to 28th December 2008...They are 2 parts - Outdoor which is free and Indoor which have to pay RM28 for adult and RM8 for children...

We reached there at around 2pm and there were not many cars and models at outdoor area, so after we walked around for half an hour, then we decided to purchase the ticket and enter the indoor area...

Below are some photos taken by today, just a short update...Details of this event will be posted after some pending posts...Hehee...Hope you enjoy~~~

The entrance ticket...No Re-entry is allowed -_-" So make sure you eat and drink full full then only enter,lol =P

You can see many of these modified extremely cars in the exhibition...Photobucket
Random shot...

And monster like this...LoL =P

Then of course got many models to shoot...Very friendly and professional models...






Okiez more photos after my pending posts...Hope you enjoy your holidays ya~~~


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