2nd Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2010

Wow long time didn't update my blog...Here comes the new update -_-"

18 - 21 March 2010, there was a event - 2nd International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta being held in Putrajaya...And i went there on 20th Macrh with EngHong, WengChye, Kate and KuanHoong...

Some introduction of the event before i start showing some of the photos taken by me...
  • International Hot Air Balloon pilots from Japan, Switzerland, USA, Belgium, New Zealand, France and the Netherlands participated in the inaugural event are intrigued by the beauty of Malaysia and vowed to return to explore Malaysia more. Experience and photographs taken during the fiesta are proudly posted in their respective websites and blogs that would indirectly promote Malaysia.
  • The fiesta also caught the attention of the local as well as the international media and photographers.
  • Photographs taken during the fiesta spread through the internet that indirectly promotes Malaysia globally.
  • The uniqueness and rarity of hot air balloons flying in our country has attracted the crowd regardless of their race, age, profession or gender.
Some info related to the fiesta, for more info you may visit to http://www.myballoonfiesta.com/about.php

The Fiesta

Date: 18 - 21 March 2010
  • Coincide with school holidays to capture the children and parents from all around Malaysia.

Venue: Putrajaya
  • Precinct 2, adjacent to the Monument Alaf Baru.

  • To stretch the event time from 7am to 9pm.

Number of Hot Air Balloons: 23
  • Normal shaped : 18
    • 13 hot air balloons for free flying
    • 5 hot air balloons for public tethered rides

  • Special shaped: 5

Participating countries
  • The pilots that attended the 1st Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009 are excited to come back next year!
  • Countries involved were Belgium, USA, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Malaysia and Japan.
  • More pilots from other countries also requested to attend the event.
Theme: "1World, 1Malaysia, 1Fiesta"
  • In line with our Prime Minister’s 1MALAYSIA campaign, the fiesta would be the perfect avenue in promoting unity.
  • As proven in the inaugural fiesta, it could be seen that the fiesta attracts everyone regardless of their nationality, race, age, gender and profession.
  • ONE WORLD: balloonists from around the world will be participating in the fiesta, also we hope to attract international tourists into Malaysia.
  • ONE MALAYSIA: fans or spectators from around Malaysia, regardless of race.
  • ONE FIESTA: hot air balloons being the highlight of the event, there will also be many activities and entertainment that is conducive for all.
Ok here are some of the photos taken by me during the fiesta...Didn't take many photos because it is almost the same as last year...You may read my previous visit to the fiesta too -> 1st International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009



Hot air balloon also?


Darth Vader, something new...

So pro...Hahaa

Watch out...There is a giant needle...!



Spotted ChuuSan with her friends...

Levi's, something new too...But i lazy to change lens to shoot the whole picture of it =P


He was controlling the mini hot air balloon with remote control...



That's all for the fiesta...After that, we went to Sri Petaling for our brunch?Hahaha...Stay tuned...


KOKahKOK said…
long time no update fromur blog!
GoDBleSz said…
(KOKahKOK)hahaha,yeah few months already -_-" Thanks for visiting

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