
Showing posts from December, 2011


This is the first time i try on HDR processing, i think the result is still not quite good, hope there are sifus out there willing to comment and guide me on HDR techniques, thank you very much :)

Chin Woon & Renee Wedding Dinner @ Vistana Hotel

What did you do on your Christmas night?An unforgettable Christmas dinner? Well, i went to Vistana Hotel to attend my ex-colleague - Renee's wedding dinner. During the dinner, took some shots as below : Congratulation you Renee and your husband once again!

Chong Fatt Cafe(创发生虾鱼头米) @ Jalan Genting Klang

I just went to Chong Fatt Cafe which is located at Jalan Teratai (opposite to Genting Court Condominium) to have late lunch with Moon. This is the shop... View Larger Map The cafe is located at the green arrow in the map.. The interior of the cafe.. Hmm what to eat... Moon.. Me... Moon ordered fish paste bee hoon soup RM 7.50... My fish head bee hoon soup...RM 8.50 Taste is quite good, many pieces of fried fish meats and tomato slices but i felt that the soup can still be improved(i love heavy taste XD). The price is reasonable, so i will return to try other food.

Mexcomm Christmas Party 2011

Just finished company Christmas party, fill my stomach with food and got my Christmas gifts, thanks all for the gifts! Below are some of the photos taken just now : 12pm and the food is ready, gogogo~~~ Colleagues enjoying the food... Aunty also enjoying her food... Mine... Full of gifts under the Christmas tree... After everybody were enough for their food, we brought all the gifts into conference room.. Everybody can't wait for their gifts... Boss reading out the name on the gifts... Yi May not happy with her gift? lol.. Sherlynn got a big present... Boss bought everybody a gift, thank you very much! My gifts for this Christmas... Thank you guys, Merry Christmas!!

Shanghai & Korea 上海&韩国之旅 : 爱宝乐园 (Everland)

第二天一早,我们就得拖着疲累的身体享用酒店的早餐,然后就往爱宝乐园 Everland 出发了.. 维基百科的简介: 爱宝乐园是一个位于韩国京畿道龍仁市的主题公园,是韩国最大的主题公园。在2009年,它是亚洲第四多人入场的主题公园,仅次于东京迪斯尼乐园、迪斯尼海洋世界和大阪环球影城。乐园里面有动物园和水上乐园。乐园由三星集团下辖的三星爱宝乐园管理。 这座乐园被不少人称为韩国的迪斯尼。 吃了丰富的早餐后就出发了,看见了Lotte Mart,不过没有机会去逛.. 抵达爱宝乐园,很多学生们已经在门口井井有条的排队等待入门...可以开始进场前工作人员会有一小段的舞蹈... 漂亮的韩国小姐 XD 终于可以入门了,一进去导游已经在一旁等待... Ajuma导游在讲解... 看见一颗蛮有avatar feel的树,大家就先来个大合照先! 过后我们就好像赶鸭子般,一直被导游催,要我们加快脚步跟上他,到缆车站排队... 等了蛮久一下酱,终于轮到我们了...韩国妹妹都几会摆pose...哈哈 我们赶到动物园区去看老虎,白老虎,狮子,熊和老虎+狮子的结晶品...坐在巴士里,我们能近距离的看见动物们悠闲的在路旁休息... 老虎,白老虎,狮子,老虎+狮子=虎狮还是狮虎?哈哈... 熊... 参观完动物区后,大家自由活动..我和一些同事选择要挑战T Express,据说是蛮有名堂的过山车... Wikipedia的简介: T Express is a wooden roller coaster at Everland in Yongin, South Korea. It is South Korea's first wooden coaster, Intamin's fourth wooden coaster with prefabricated track, the first ride of this type in Asia, and the first to utilize three trains. It is currently the world's steepest wooden coaster, breaking El Toro's record by one degree. It is also the world's ninth fa...