GremLin - Johnny's Pet(Revisit)
Yeah...So after hanging out at McDonald's Sg Wang, we decided to pay a visit to Johnny's pet, GremGrem because WeiChih, WengChye and YuetLeng haven't see the real GremGrem yet...LoL

Yoyoyo...How you doing?

GremGrem pose pose...We want to shoot you "gao gao"....Hahaha...

WengChye with GremGrem....
Then YuetLeng wanted to play with GremGrem too...Because GremGrem is so cute....Hahaha....Only me and WeiChih keep taking photos...Siao :D

GremGrem : "Why today so many stranger come to disturb me 1?Sien......" lol lol lol

GremGrem :"Aiya...Don't force me to say hello lah....!!!" -_-'''

Wah wah...GremGrem wanna kiss YuetLeng....Ahaha....
YuetLeng don't want to let GremGrem kiss...So GremGrem was sad and Johnny try to make it happy...

Johnny :" Don't choi them...I sayang you arr...."

GremGrem still not happy and said :"I want to kiss i want to kisssssss...You don't want let me kiss i bite u...!!!!Grrrr......!!!!" Ahahahaha....

Johnny had no choice but to let GremGrem did whatever it liked....Ahahaha....."Ki Siao" :D
After that, GremGrem was satisfied but then Johnny was hungry...So we went to Pandan Indah Quan Cafe to have dinner....ChinWoo joined us too....

Yoyoyo...How you doing?

GremGrem pose pose...We want to shoot you "gao gao"....Hahaha...

WengChye with GremGrem....
Then YuetLeng wanted to play with GremGrem too...Because GremGrem is so cute....Hahaha....Only me and WeiChih keep taking photos...Siao :D

GremGrem : "Why today so many stranger come to disturb me 1?Sien......" lol lol lol

GremGrem :"Aiya...Don't force me to say hello lah....!!!" -_-'''

Wah wah...GremGrem wanna kiss YuetLeng....Ahaha....
YuetLeng don't want to let GremGrem kiss...So GremGrem was sad and Johnny try to make it happy...

Johnny :" Don't choi them...I sayang you arr...."

GremGrem still not happy and said :"I want to kiss i want to kisssssss...You don't want let me kiss i bite u...!!!!Grrrr......!!!!" Ahahahaha....

Johnny had no choice but to let GremGrem did whatever it liked....Ahahaha....."Ki Siao" :D
After that, GremGrem was satisfied but then Johnny was hungry...So we went to Pandan Indah Quan Cafe to have dinner....ChinWoo joined us too....